Be Guided by Pleasure
Womanizer Germany 德國
155 x 50 x 35 mm
Waterproof, USB charging
Made in China
Seen on YouTube
Womanizer Premium 是創新科技及高端設計的劃時代革命性之作。Pleasure Air 高潮氣壓技術在無觸碰的情況下透過溫和的脈衝刺激陰蒂,並帶有12種由溫柔至強勁的強度等級。
嶄新的 Autopilot 自動導航系統在每次使用都能令您喜出望外。它會隨機選擇各種刺激模式及強度,每次都會配搭出獨一無二的新鮮體驗。3種預設模式,共 12 段變化。
- 柔和:1~4 段強度隨機變化
- 中等:1~8 段強度隨機變化
- 強烈:1~12 段強度隨機變化
Smart Silence 靜音靜音操作模式則讓您隨心所欲。Womanizer Premium 只會在觸碰到您的身體後才會啟動,一拿開便會即時關閉並保持完全安靜,令您可以毋需手動開關,從此無憂無慮,歡愉隨手可得。其100%防水設計令其成為您的最親密浴室伴侶,清潔簡便。
USB 磁性充電設計, LED指示燈,充電狀態及操作模式一目了然。
Womanizer Premium Clitoral Massager Vibrator
- The Pleasure Air technology stimulates your clitoris without making contact – from supersoft to superpower in 12 different intensity levels.
- Autopilot gives you the feeling of using a new toy every night. Because the intensity is custom-adjusted, you never know when your next sensual climax will surprise you.
- The rhythm changes with every use.
- Smart Silence starts exactly at the point when you're ready to go. Thanks to this sensor, the Womanizer Premium only turns on when it is close to your skin.
- Thanks to its unique processing, the Womanizer Premium is completely waterproof.
- Super soft silicone skin, the sensual, slim design fits comfortably in your hand and so becomes the perfect companion for every intimate moment.
- Super silent motor (<40dB) - Don’t worry about any loud noises - from the device anyways. We cannot guarantee, that you will be able to keep quiet when using the Womanizer.
- 3 LEDs with charging level and mode indication